Tag Archives: now hear this

How to Pair Your Oticon Hearing Aids with an iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hi everyone, it’s Doctor Shopovick, and today we’re going to be reviewing how to pair your Oticon hearing aids to your iPhone for Bluetooth, streaming phone calls, music, and how to connect it to the app.

As you can see, I already have the Oticon Companion app downloaded in the bottom left. If you don’t already have it downloaded, you’re going to open up your App Store. In the search box, you’re going to type in Oticon, and it’ll pop up at the top as Oticon Companion. You’re going to click that, and this is what it looks like, and then you would hit download… Continue reading

September 3, 2024 Uncategorized

Audiologist’s Q&A with a Hearing Aid User

Dr. Shopovick: Hi Everyone! I’m Dr. Shopovick. I’m an audiologist here at Now Hear This®, and this is Nathalie, our Patient Care Coordinator. — Nathalie: Hello, I am 28 years old, and I wear two hearing aids. I have conductive hearing loss, which is a lower pitch hearing loss and is a little different than age-related hearing loss. I’m here to share my experience about getting hearing aids and everything that comes before that… Continue reading

August 2, 2024 Another Category, Legal, Post Types, Standard Posts, Uncategorized

Hearing Aid Accessories: The Basics with Dr. Egan

Hi, I’m Doctor Egan from Now Hear This, and today I’m going to talk to you about some different accessory devices that you can use with your different kinds of hearing aids. So, a lot of folks ask about accessory devices in our clinic. Usually, it’s people who’ve gotten hearing aids elsewhere and have maybe moved to the area or have seen them through friends or family, things like that… Continue reading

May 15, 2024 Another Category, Legal, Post Types, Standard Posts, Uncategorized

NEW Signia AX Hearing Aids!

Hi, I’m Dr. Egan from Now Hear This®, and today I’m going to tell you about some exciting new hearing aid updates from a company called Signia. 

Several years ago, they came out with the AX platform and it was really exciting at the time. They came out with Silk hearing aids, which were tiny, little hearing aids which were battery-operated, and they looked like this. You open and close the battery door every couple of days, and they were much more discreet… Continue reading

November 15, 2023 Another Category, Legal, Post Types, Standard Posts, Uncategorized
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